Today is the official first day of summer. You have no idea how exciting this is! For starters, December marks the end of NovemberMovember. The past 30 days have been hairy, but worth it. While the itchiness has subsided, the creepiness is in full bloom. The end of the month couldn't come soon enough, just like the Movembers before it. Here is a quick look back at my mo's progress (?):
As the month begins, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my lip shoulders. Another reason that December is so awesome this year: I got a job! Summer represents the start of vacation for many. However, this summer is going to be a direct contrast from this idea, and I couldn't be more excited! I always knew my gratuitous vacation would come to an end, but I didn't expect to be so pumped for it. The last 5 months have been amazing, but I'm ready for the clichéd "new chapter" ahead. Later this month I will be joining the Cloud Sherpas' team and I will soon be riding the (newly announced) ferry into the city on a daily basis as I head in to my role in tech sales. Sun, slurpees, sweet potatoes, Sherpas and shaving...this is going to be a great month!
Before we fully transition into December, I have to highlight the Thanksgiving we just enjoyed. Thanks to the combined efforts of our Xpats' group, we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving just like we were all back home. We watched football before feasting on the pot-luck buffet of deliciousness, all while in the company of some great friends. The stars of the dinner were both a brined and a smoked turkey (and some pork in various, tasty forms).
Brined, stuffed, and ready for the oven
The rubbed bird before being thrown on the grill and wrapped in bacon
Pork loin, ready to be smoked
The perfect setting (I love puns)
Pimm's, a traditional Pilgrim drink
Grilled to perfection
Before eating, we initiated the non-Americans in attendance with the "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner ritual of criss-crossing arms and singing the national anthem. We also made them wear pilgrim hats.
Good company was enjoyed
True to the American spirit, we ate way too much (and loved it)
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